Keep Your Teeth Healthy This Summer

May 15, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 11:41 pm

Summer is here, and you might be looking forward to all of the delights that come with the hottest months of the year. Whether or not they have children, many people slow down a bit in the summer so they can take in all that the season has to offer. It’s important to stay on top of your health, though, and that includes your dental health. Read on for tips on how to keep your teeth healthy this summer.

Don’t Skip Routine Dental Visits

If your last dental visit was before the new year, then you’re going to need to come in this summer to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and to have a professional cleaning. Check your calendar and book the appointment soon; between children being out of school (and in their various dental and doctors’ offices!) and people traveling, scheduling can get a bit tight if you wait too long.

Brush and Floss After Enjoying Sticky Sweets

Ice cream, popsicles, and amusement park foods like kettle corn and cotton candy are a quintessential part of many summers. Unfortunately, they can cause tooth decay if you don’t have good oral hygiene. Go ahead and indulge in moderation, but be sure to brush and floss before bed, even if you’re tired from having spent the whole day in the sun.

Protect Your Teeth If You’re Playing Sports

If summer is your season to shine on the ball field or the tennis courts, consider wearing a mouthguard to keep your teeth safe. Children who play sports should absolutely wear mouthguards, but adults are not exempt from painful (and expensive) injuries if they don’t protect their teeth. Get one made by your dentist if you play a lot of sports or go to the pharmacy and pick up a boil-and-bite one for occasional contact sports.

If you have questions about keeping your smile safe and healthy this summer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Why Should You Quit Smoking?

May 1, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health,General — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 3:43 pm

If you smoke, you’ve undoubtedly heard dozens of reasons why you should stop. A lower life expectancy, lung cancer, stroke, heart attack… all of these are more likely among smokers than among their non-smoking peers. If you needed a few more reasons to quit smoking, here are some ways the habit negatively affects your oral health.

Smoking Makes Gum Disease Worse

Smoking can cause or exacerbate gum disease. Why? First, it tends to dry out the oral tissues, leading to more fragility in the gums. As they dry, they pull away from the teeth, leaving a handy spot for bacteria to hang out. Smoking also affects the tiny capillaries bringing oxygen to the gum tissues, which can make it take longer for small abrasions to heal.

Smoking Can Lead to Tooth Loss

As the gum tissues dry out and become more unhealthy, the bone underneath also begins to erode. This can lead to loose teeth and tooth loss. Also, if you have oral surgery, you’re at risk for infection and complications if you keep smoking. You’ll be more likely to keep your teeth if you quit smoking.

Smoking Has Cosmetic Effects, Too

Of course, you might be mainly concerned about the immediate cosmetic effects of smoking. Yellowed teeth and halitosis (bad breath) are common maladies experienced by smokers. Teeth whitening doesn’t work well if you continue smoking while you undergo the treatment. And while good oral hygiene can help with bad breath, the fact is that cigarettes and frequent gum infections will cause halitosis despite your best efforts.

It is hard to quit smoking. The good news is that there are several products and behavior modification techniques that can help. Your physician is a good source of information on how you can kick the habit. Talk to your doctor or dentist today about how you can stop smoking and achieve better oral health (and overall health).