What You Need to Know About Oral Cancer

June 15, 2017

Filed under: Blog,General — Tags: — southlakedental @ 2:41 pm

Cancer: It’s a word that no one wants to hear. To allow for early detection, most people see doctors regularly (or at least occasionally) for testing, depending on their ages, risk factors, and family history. You might not know this, but every time you see your dentist, you’ll have a visual screening for oral cancer. Here are some facts about oral cancer that might be a surprise to you.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

The symptoms of oral cancer might not be noticeable unless you are looking for them. Commonly, it will start off as a sore or bump in the mouth. Because bumps and sores are common and usually harmless, it’s easy to just ignore it and then get used to it. Any sore, lump, patch, or bump that persists for two weeks or more should be checked by a dentist.

Other symptoms include hoarseness, numbness or a pins-and-needles feeling in the mouth or throat, unexplained bleeding, and a change in the way your teeth fit together. If you wear dentures and they stop fitting correctly, this is another sign that needs to be checked.

Risk Factors

People, particularly men, who are over the age of 50 have a higher risk of developing oral cancer, especially if they also have a family history of cancer. Smokers are the most at risk. So are people who use smokeless tobacco or drink a lot of alcohol. Some oral cancers are caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV.

It’s important to know, however, that many people who develop oral cancer don’t have any of these risk factors. If you notice anything unusual going on in your mouth, have it checked even if you are a young non-smoker.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If your dentist suspects that you might have oral cancer, he or she will refer you to your primary care physician, an oral surgeon, or an oncologist. That doctor can take a biopsy to confirm or rule out the diagnosis. If you do have cancer, an oncologist will go over your options with you. You might have chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery.

The prognosis for oral cancer is better if it is caught early, so it’s important to have any sores, lesions, or concerning symptoms checked as soon as you notice that they’re not going away. Please call our office promptly if you have any signs that concern you. Chances are good that it’s not cancer, but since early detection is key, it’s important that we take a look and refer you for further testing if warranted.

Creative Commons image by Gisela Giardino

Pregnancy and Your Dental Care

June 1, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , — southlakedental @ 2:56 pm

When you are pregnant, it seems as though almost every part of your body changes. Your gums and teeth are no exception! It might surprise you to know that during pregnancy, you have special needs when it comes to your dental care. Take a look at these considerations that you should keep in mind.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Even if you have never had gingivitis or cavities in the past, it can be disconcerting to notice that your gums are tender, swollen, and maybe even bleeding. This is in response to your hormone levels. It’s normal and common, and it will get better once your baby is born.

You will need to be extra vigilant about brushing and flossing while you are pregnant. Switch to a soft toothbrush if you are experiencing tenderness, and talk to your dentist if your gums are bleeding when you floss.

Dental Checkups

It’s just as important as ever to see your dentist regularly when you are pregnant. Having your teeth cleaned is a good way to keep bacteria under control and also gives the dentist an opportunity to see if there are any areas of concern. It’s best to schedule your cleaning during your second trimester if possible; this is the time when you will be least likely to be nauseated and most likely to be comfortable while laying back in the dental chair.

In most cases, x-rays will be postponed until after your baby arrives. The exception would be if you were to be having a problem that was not able to be diagnosed with a visual exam. Your dentist will use a lead apron to shield your baby from any radiation; also, keep in mind that the radiation used for dental x-rays is extremely low.

Dental Work

It’s safe to have most dental work done during pregnancy. You can have local anesthetic and filling materials used at any point of your pregnancy if it’s needed. With that being said, any cosmetic or non-urgent work can be put off until after your delivery. Your dentist can talk to you about the benefits and risks of either going ahead with dental work or waiting until after the baby is born.

Please call us to schedule an appointment for a cleaning if you don’t already have one. If you do have one set and it’s during the early weeks of your pregnancy and you aren’t feeling well or during the last month or two of your pregnancy, call and find out whether it would be better to reschedule it.

Creative Commons image by Jacob Bøtter