How to Maintain Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

October 19, 2020

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , , — southlakedental @ 1:46 pm

Teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures. At Southlake Family Dentistry, we offer a few different options for whitening your teeth. We also like to inform our patients on how to keep a healthy/bright smile after treatment. Maintaining your whitening treatment and adequately caring for your teeth can be just as crucial as the whitening treatment itself.

Did you know changing a few daily habits can help your whitening treatment last longer? Here are a few techniques we recommend to maintain your bright smile. 

Stay Away from Bright or Dark Colored Food and Drinks

While this is a general rule in cosmetic dentistry for avoiding stained teeth, it is even more important to follow after your in-office whitening treatment. Foods such as soy sauce, pasta sauce, balsamic vinegar, and some fruits can stain your teeth and reverse the whitening treatment effects. We also recommend avoiding certain liquids such as coffee, red wine, dark sodas, and black tea for long-lasting whitening results. 

Use a White or Colorless Toothpaste 

Did you know many toothpaste and mouthwash brands on the market contain dyes that can stain your teeth? If you’re considering a whitening treatment we recommend switching from colored mouthwash and toothpaste to white or clear. Additionally, choosing brands that contain a whitening agent can help you maintain a bright smile. 

Daily Oral Hygiene 

If you don’t already have a solid oral hygiene routine, now is the time to adopt one. This routine should include brushing, flossing, and using a colorless mouth rinse twice daily. While this routine is great for your oral health in general, it will help maintain your whitening treatment. At Southlake Family Dentistry we want your teeth to look healthy and be healthy. Maintaining good oral hygiene will help your teeth remain strong and bright. 

Set Up Your Next Treatment 

To achieve the best results from your whitening treatment we recommend that you continue treatment about every six months. Every patient’s needs are different and depending on your oral hygiene habits you may require more or less frequent whitening treatments to achieve your desired look. 

At Southlake Family Dentistry, we want you to feel confident in your smile. If you have noticed discoloration in your teeth and desire a whiter and brighter smile, contact our office to discuss your treatment options. 

How to Stop Forgetting to Floss

January 15, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Dental Health — Tags: , , — southlakedental @ 1:21 am

Flossing your teeth: It’s something you know you should be doing, but it’s so easy to forget. After all, if you’re doing it in the morning, you’re probably in a hurry and it’s the easiest thing to put off until bedtime. By the time that time comes, you might be ready to drop. How can you find a way to stop forgetting to floss? Check out these tips.

Set a Reminder on Your Phone

If the problem is that you’re truly forgetting and not just procrastinating, put technology to work for you! Most people have their phones within an arm’s reach all day and into the night, so set a reminder an hour or so before your typical bedtime. As long as you’re done eating for the night, go right then and brush and floss. You will still have an hour left to watch a television show, surf the Internet, wash the dishes, or whatever else you might do right before bed, but your oral hygiene regimen will be done.

Get an Accountability Partner

Having someone else encouraging you to floss might be all you need to make it a habit. While you might feel strange asking a friend to take on this role, your spouse or partner is the perfect person to keep you on track. After all, they should be flossing, too, and you can remind them. Another option is to ask a child, either your own or another one in your extended family. Many kids will take their commitment very seriously and will take joy in reminding you every evening to floss your teeth.

Give Yourself a Reward

Rewards work when it comes to establishing new habits. Yours can be whatever will motivate you to keep up the good work. Some people are happy to simply mark an X on a calendar or put a sticker or a checkmark on a chart. Seeing a fully filled-out week or month can be satisfying. If that doesn’t do it for you, pick anything you’d like: a new pair of shoes? Fresh flowers to put on the table after a full week of flossing? One caveat: Try to avoid making a sticky, gooey dessert your reward of choice… but if that’s what you pick, be sure to brush and floss well after you indulge!

Please call to make an appointment if you are due or if you need tips on your oral hygiene regimen.