If you’ve just started Invisalign treatment, congratulations! A straighter set of teeth is on the horizon—but only if your treatment is successful! And despite the relative ease and convenience of Invisalign, there are still many things that can influence and ultimately deter your progress. Keep reading to learn more about 4 of the most common ways that patients compromise their Invisalign treatment, so you can ensure that your straighter smile is delivered right on schedule.
1. Not Cleaning the Trays
Your Invisalign trays need to be cleaned daily using an appropriate cleaning solution. This helps them to maintain their transparency and seem invisible while they’re being worn! If your trays aren’t cleaned regularly, they can become stained just like your natural teeth. Additionally, leftover food particles can stick to your trays and become trapped against your teeth, which increases the risk of tooth decay.
2. Eating or Drinking While Wearing the Trays
You should take your trays out whenever you need to eat or drink anything. The only exception to this rule is water. Your trays aren’t strong enough to endure the pressure of biting and chewing and can easily become damaged and break, even if you’re chewing soft foods! Certain items and beverages including coffee, tea, wine and more can also stain your trays, compromising their transparency.
3. Not Properly Storing the Trays
When they aren’t being worn, your trays should be stored in their designated carrying case. This will help to prevent them from becoming lost while also protecting them from forces outside of your mouth. Your trays are small, clear, and fragile, so keep tabs on them to ensure that they can continue to do their job. Replacement trays can sometimes take up to a month to prepare and waiting around for one will only drag out your treatment process!
4. Poor Oral Hygiene
Invisalign does not exempt you from brushing and flossing your teeth! Oral hygiene is still incredibly important during your treatment process, and it’s crucial to keep your teeth clean while you’re wearing your trays. Food particles can easily become stuck between your trays and your teeth. This greatly increases the risk of tooth decay that is accompanied by bad breath and foul-smelling, stained trays. Needing a cavity filled can also delay your treatment by a few weeks or even a month, so ensure that you brush, floss, and use a mouth wash daily.
Even though Invisalign is meant to be a quick and convenient method for improving your smile’s appearance, there are still many things that can influence and derail the treatment’s progress. Avoiding these common pitfalls and taking excellent care of your trays can ensure that they get the job done.
About the Author
Dr. Priya Chougule and her awesome team at Southlake Family Dentistry proudly serve the dental needs of patients and families in the Fort Mill area. Dr. Chougule received her dental doctorate from the University of Connecticut, followed by an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency. She is a member of the American Dental Association, the South Carolina Dental Association, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Her practice offers many available services, including Invisalign! To schedule a visit, please reach out online or by phone: (803) 548-3342.