Trick-or-treating is fun for the whole family, and children often anticipate the evening of fun the entire year! Halloween is coming up and we want you and your children to enjoy the festivities….without damaging your teeth! Here is a list of some of the most harmful treats for your teeth and how you can better protect them this October 31st.
The Most Harmful Candies for Your Teeth
Chewy Treats
Even though they might be your favorite, chewy candies are the worst of the worst. Just like they stick to your fingers, they also stick to your teeth giving bacteria more time to feed on the sticky sugars. Plaque will more easily build around your teeth and gums, causing cavities. Chewy candies to stay away from this Halloween include caramel, taffy, gummies, and bubble gum.
Hard Candy
If you’re thinking of your teeth on Halloween, it’s best to stay away from hard candy. Chewing on these sweets can cause cracking or chipping, and the sugars cling to your teeth and allow bacteria to feed. On top of it all, hard candies raise the acidity level in your mouth causing acid erosion to cavities
Sour Candy
Like hard candy, sour candies hold an extremely high acidity level. This can break down the enamel of your teeth and the lower pH level leads to unwanted cavities and decay.
What You Can Do to Help
If you and/or your children are going to be enjoying sugary treats on Halloween, there are a few things you can do to help:
- Drink and swish with plenty of water. It will help dissolve the sugars in your mouth and your teeth won’t be coated for long.
- Brush and floss. This is a tip for any time of year, but brush and floss you or your little one’s teeth immediately after consuming sugary treats so plaque won’t be able to form.
While anything containing sugar isn’t great for our teeth, chocolate is a better alternative than anything listed above. It dissolves quickly in our mouths which doesn’t give bacteria and acids a ton of time to cause damage. Pro tip: Choose dark chocolate! It has even less sugar than milk chocolate and has the added benefit of powerful antioxidants.
Sugar-Free Candy
Sugar-free candy is the best candy to consume if you’re going to consume any at all. Obviously, they contain zero sugar, meaning zero sugary residue and no way for plaque to form.
Remember, The Southlake Family is here for your dental needs and we wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween!